Ernesto Neto
Related works in the collection
Ernesto Neto
Humanóides, 2001
Humanóides, 2001
Ernesto Neto
Esqueleto Glóbulos, 2001
Esqueleto Glóbulos, 2001
Ernesto Neto
A Gente se encontra aqui hoje, amanhã em outro lugar. Enquanto isso Deus é Deusa. Santa gravidade, 2003
A Gente se encontra aqui hoje, amanhã em outro lugar. Enquanto isso Deus é Deusa. Santa gravidade, 2003
Ernesto Neto
O tempo lento do corpo que é pele, 2004
O tempo lento do corpo que é pele, 2004
Ernesto Neto
Jiboia, 2015
Jiboia, 2015
Esqueleto Glóbulos, 2001
Ernesto Neto
Yokumê Entitree Alegria, 2020
Yokumê Entitree Alegria, 2020
Ernesto Neto
BasnepuruTxanaYubé, 2015
BasnepuruTxanaYubé, 2015
Related program
Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin – Aru Bena. Public Program
September 9–13, 2015 | TBA21–Augarten, Vienna
September 9–13, 2015 | TBA21–Augarten, Vienna
Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin – Assembleia
The Rise of the Phyto Age
June 26–27, 2015 | TBA21–Augarten, Vienna
June 26–27, 2015 | TBA21–Augarten, Vienna
Ceremonial Closing of Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin: Aru Kuxipa | Sacred Secret
Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin – Aru Kuxipa | Sacred Secret
June 25–November 29, 2015 | TBA21–Augarten, Vienna
June 25–November 29, 2015 | TBA21–Augarten, Vienna
Press Ernesto Neto and the Huin Kuin - English
Video: Deinstalling Ernesto Neto's exhibition Aru Kuxipa at TBA21–Augarten
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary. Collection as Aleph | March 6–October 26, 2008 | Kunsthaus Graz
Passages. Travels in Hyperspace
October 6, 2010-February 21, 2011 | LABoral, Gijón / Spain
October 6, 2010-February 21, 2011 | LABoral, Gijón / Spain
THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Sculptural Discourses
November 23, 2006–April 29, 2007 | TBA21, Vienna
November 23, 2006–April 29, 2007 | TBA21, Vienna
Deseos fluidos
September 22-December 23, 2005 | TBA21, Vienna
September 22-December 23, 2005 | TBA21, Vienna
Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin: Aru Kuxipa
Sternberg Press, 2017
Sternberg Press, 2017
ephemeropteræ 2015/01 – Ernesto Neto | Huni Kuin
Abundant Futures in Troubled Times
Works from the TBA21 Collection
Works from the TBA21 Collection
Abundant Futures. Works from the TBA21 Collection
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary: The Commissions Book
Sternberg Press, 2020
Sternberg Press, 2020
Daniela Zyman: Das Lachen der Quallen
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2024
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2024