Ernesto Neto
A Gente se encontra aqui hoje, amanhã em outro lugar. Enquanto isso Deus é Deusa. Santa gravidade, 2003

Installation view: Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin: Aru Kuxipa | Sacred Secret, TBA21-Augarten © Jens Ziehe, 2015


Installation with polyamide fabric, styrofoam, rice
Ca. 1800 x 500 x 450 cm

Ernesto Neto's work reflects the participatory trend amongst Brazilian artists during the 1960s and 70s that is frequently associated with Lygia Clark and Hélio Oiticica. Neto's morbid sculptures and installations consist of elastic nylon or polyamide fabric that is stitched into various organic shapes, which unfold in a womblike fashion around the spectator. Neto comments that his sculptures suggest "fertility, sexuality, touching, and kissing", as well as atmospheric associations that arise out of the particular spatial presence and detailed texture of the surfaces.
A Gente se encontra aqui hoje, amanhã em outro lugar. Enquanto isso Deus é Deusa. Santa gravidade. Enquanto isso Deus Á Deusa. Santa gravidade is one of Neto's rare hanging sculpture made of polyamide fabric that maintains a precarious balance through a system of counterweights comprised of rice and styrofoam.

*1964 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Living and working in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Aru Kuxipa | Sacred Secret — A tour through the exhibition with Ernesto Neto