
Imprint and contact information

(Information pursuant to the Act 19/2013, of 9 December, on Transparency, Access to Public Information, and Good Governance (Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno)

Responsible for the content

Fundación TBA21
C/ Amor de Dios 1
28014 Madrid

Telephone: +34 91 527 59 86

Foundation register number: 2573
Company register court: Spanish Register of Foundations
VAT-Number: ESG16995508

Foundation Board:     

Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza
Ute Meta Bauer
Irene Mastelli
Maria Wilhelm

Secretary to the board: Silvia Paternin

Fundación TBA21 is a Private, non-profit, foundational organization in accordance with the Spanish Foundations’ Law (Ley 50/2002, de 26 de diciembre, de Fundaciones), available (in Spanish) at

Foundation purpose: to promote art as a catalyst for positive change and as a means to address the needs of today’s world, with a vision of social and environmental justice based on collaboration with artists, curators, scientists, thinkers, activists, indigenous voices and scholars, to build a future based on peaceful coexistence, care and generosity.
© Copyright

All content on the website is protected by copyright; all rights reserved where not expressly indicated otherwise. The use of this content (esp. reproduction, dissemination, rental, lending or making it available to the public, in any way) requires the written consent of Fundación TBA21.

The names and logos displayed on the website are the intellectual property of the relevant rights holders.


The information provided on the website has been carefully prepared, but is non-binding and Fundación TBA21 does not assume any liability for its accuracy, completeness or currency, to the extent legally permissible. The same applies to damages or losses (including consequential or incidental damages) caused by use of the website, its limited availability, the display of third-party content and by the use of hyperlinks at

Data protection

Fundación TBA21 is responsible for the data processing activities described in our Privacy Statement. When collecting and processing personal data, Fundación TBA21 strictly adheres to the applicable data-protection laws and regulations.
Our Privacy Statement only applies to, not to websites controlled and operated by third parties.