Matthew Ritchie with Aranda\Lasch and Arup AGU
The Morning Line, 2008

Photo: Todd Eberle
Matthew Ritchie
Commissions & Productions

Architectural interactive structure immanent musical instrument Modular construction: Aluminium alloy, black epoxy with aggregate coating Audio: 47 channels, 41 speakers, 12 subwoofers; Video: 6 video projections
Current installation size approx. 7 x 9 x 20 m
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Donated to ZKM Karlsruhe in 2013

A platform for contemporary music and composition, The Morning Line is a public art structure – 8 meter high and 20 meter long, built of 17 tons of coated aluminum – exploring the disciplinary interplays between art, architecture, music, mathematics, cosmology, and science. The Morning Line was conceived by Matthew Ritchie as a mutable structure, with multiple expressions and narratives intertwining in its physical structure, projected video and innovative spatialized sound environments. Saturated with forty speakers, The Morning Line is using a unique interactive multi-spatial sound system, conceived by the Music Research Centre of York University. Built from an idealized "universal bit - that can be reconfigured in to multiple architectural forms, The Morning Line uses fractal cycles to build a model of the universe that scales up and down. The architectural and engineering systems capitalize on recent developments in parametric design developed by Arup AGU, and push them to their limits. There is no single way in or out, no final form.

Benjamin Aranda: *1973 | Living and working in New York and Tucson, USA
Chris Lasch: *1972 | Living and working in New York and Tucson, USA
Matthew Ritchie: *1964 in London, UK | Living and working in New York, USA
Artist's website
TML Compositions 2013
ZKM Karlsruhe
The Morning Line Istanbul 2010 
The Morning Line, Sevilla 2008