freq_wave: 7 seas
curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolff
August 29, 2020
Ocean Space, Venice

freq_wave live at Ocean Space, 2020. With Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Enrico Bettinello. Photo: Enrico Fiorese.

freq_wave's Mixer 1: North Sea to Red Sea on
A freq_wave is a rogue wave: unpredictable, sudden, and can impact with tremendous force. This monster wave, curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolff, comprises 84 sound artists and composers contributing to a web-based interactive collaboration bringing oceanic creativity to the fore. It springs from a spontaneous act of solidarity, the will to connect and express ourselves.
This is also an act of remembering. Our current health and economic crisis is inextricably linked to the long-lasting climate chaos, social inequalities and environmental injustices violently manifesting amongst many humans and other than humans around the world. We see a future in collaboration, imagination, and a tiny bit of bravado, so we have created an extensive sound project spanning across seven seas to show how art and culture can make the complexities of marine degradation and pollution audible, and to bring attention to the delicate soundscapes of the sea.
freq_wave is a project commissioned by TBA21–Academy, and curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolff, inviting 84 sound artists to map the ocean’s many sounds through an interactive installation. It is the second in a series, following 12 freq_out live-installations between 2002 and 2017, and will be released in tandem with the Academy’s latest long-term research commission, Territorial Agency: Oceans in Transformation. This project will provide an audio narrative of the ocean’s accelerated transformations and will be launched on 23 May 2020 on the Ocean Archive, a digital organism for a living ocean. It will be accompanied by 7 workshops for 84 students and sound enthusiasts.
The project will be constituted of a series of professional sessions and open workshops, which will focus on specific audible frequency ranges within geographic trajectories spanning across the ocean, as defined by Territorial Agency.
These trajectories inquire into the transformative processes unfolding in the global oceans by layering the information inscribed in their data sets in complex patterns, indicating the extent and magnitude of human intervention in the ocean. When the pieces are brought together, the interplay of noises will amount to a cross-section of the sea’s sonic and spatial dimensions, made accessible to the public in the form of performances, a vinyl and an interactive mixing platform.
This is also an act of remembering. Our current health and economic crisis is inextricably linked to the long-lasting climate chaos, social inequalities and environmental injustices violently manifesting amongst many humans and other than humans around the world. We see a future in collaboration, imagination, and a tiny bit of bravado, so we have created an extensive sound project spanning across seven seas to show how art and culture can make the complexities of marine degradation and pollution audible, and to bring attention to the delicate soundscapes of the sea.
freq_wave is a project commissioned by TBA21–Academy, and curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolff, inviting 84 sound artists to map the ocean’s many sounds through an interactive installation. It is the second in a series, following 12 freq_out live-installations between 2002 and 2017, and will be released in tandem with the Academy’s latest long-term research commission, Territorial Agency: Oceans in Transformation. This project will provide an audio narrative of the ocean’s accelerated transformations and will be launched on 23 May 2020 on the Ocean Archive, a digital organism for a living ocean. It will be accompanied by 7 workshops for 84 students and sound enthusiasts.
The project will be constituted of a series of professional sessions and open workshops, which will focus on specific audible frequency ranges within geographic trajectories spanning across the ocean, as defined by Territorial Agency.
These trajectories inquire into the transformative processes unfolding in the global oceans by layering the information inscribed in their data sets in complex patterns, indicating the extent and magnitude of human intervention in the ocean. When the pieces are brought together, the interplay of noises will amount to a cross-section of the sea’s sonic and spatial dimensions, made accessible to the public in the form of performances, a vinyl and an interactive mixing platform.