Carsten Höller
Y, 2003
Y, 2003

Installation view: ON | OFF, Casino d’Art Contemporain, Luxembourg, 2007 | © Bildrecht, Vienna| Photo: Rémi Villaggi | Casino d’Art Contemporain

Installation view: Carsten Höller, “Doubt”, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, Italy, 2016 | Photo: Lorenzo Palmieri

Installation view: ON | OFF, Casino d’Art Contemporain, Luxembourg, 2007 | © Bildrecht, Vienna| Photo: Rémi Villaggi | Casino d’Art Contemporain
960 light bulbs, steel, aluminum, mirrors, wood, cable, electronic circuitry and light boxes
260 x 687 x 740 cm
A passageway with one entrance and two exits in the shape of a Y, contoured by rings fitted with light bulbs on their interior and a passageway with a handrail. The illumination of the bulbs is set in such a way that the light moves in a trail clockwise around the rings. The position of the light halos is slightly offset from ring to ring, creating the illusion of a rotating spiral. Similar to the walk-through spinning drums found at carnivals, Y creates the effect of a spin in the direction of the rotation. This may cause passers-through to prefer using one leg of Y as an exit, but they have the choice to go against the bias of the piece itself and use the other exit.
*1961 in Brussels, Belgium I Living and working in Stockholm, Sweden
260 x 687 x 740 cm
A passageway with one entrance and two exits in the shape of a Y, contoured by rings fitted with light bulbs on their interior and a passageway with a handrail. The illumination of the bulbs is set in such a way that the light moves in a trail clockwise around the rings. The position of the light halos is slightly offset from ring to ring, creating the illusion of a rotating spiral. Similar to the walk-through spinning drums found at carnivals, Y creates the effect of a spin in the direction of the rotation. This may cause passers-through to prefer using one leg of Y as an exit, but they have the choice to go against the bias of the piece itself and use the other exit.
*1961 in Brussels, Belgium I Living and working in Stockholm, Sweden