Tomás Saraceno
Related works in the collection
Tomás Saraceno
Living at the Bottom of the Ocean of Air (Underwater Spider), 2018
Living at the Bottom of the Ocean of Air (Underwater Spider), 2018
Tomás Saraceno
Fath 703, 2013
Fath 703, 2013
Tomás Saraceno
Solitary semi-social mapping of HS 1700+6416 by a solo Nephila senegalensis - one week and a solo Cyrtophora citricola - three weeks, 2016
Solitary semi-social mapping of HS 1700+6416 by a solo Nephila senegalensis - one week and a solo Cyrtophora citricola - three weeks, 2016
Tomás Saraceno
Solitary semi-social mapping of Ceginus by a duet of Nephila senegalensis - four weeks, a triplet of Cyrtophora citricola - three weeks, 2018
Solitary semi-social mapping of Ceginus by a duet of Nephila senegalensis - four weeks, a triplet of Cyrtophora citricola - three weeks, 2018
Tomás Saraceno
Aerocene Albedo, 2018a
Aerocene Albedo, 2018a
Tomás Saraceno
Pneuma 5.5, 2021
Pneuma 5.5, 2021
Cartografía semisocial solitaria de HS 1700+6416 por una única Nephila senegalensis (una semana) y una única Cyrtophora citrícola (tres semanas), 2016
Cartografía semisocial solitaria de Ceginus por una pareja de Nephila senegalensis (cuatro semanas)
Cartografía semisocial solitaria de Ceginus por una pareja de Nephila senegalensis (cuatro semanas)
Tomás Saraceno
Pneuma 5.5, 2021
Pneuma 5.5, 2021
Tomás Saraceno
Viviendo en el fondo del océano de aire (araña subacuática), 2018
Viviendo en el fondo del océano de aire (araña subacuática), 2018
Tomás Saraceno
Hybrid semi-social solitary solitary Instrument HD 74874 built by: a triplet of Cyrtophora citricola - four weeks, a solo Nephila senegalensis - 4 weeks and a solo Agelena labyrinthica - one week, 2019
Hybrid semi-social solitary solitary Instrument HD 74874 built by: a triplet of Cyrtophora citricola - four weeks, a solo Nephila senegalensis - 4 weeks and a solo Agelena labyrinthica - one week, 2019
Tomás Saraceno
How to entangle the universe in a spider web? (Gravitational semi-social semi-social solitary Choreography
How to entangle the universe in a spider web? (Gravitational semi-social semi-social solitary Choreography
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