Carl Michael von Hausswolff
No Rest Even for the Static (Matter II), 2010

Photo: Courtesy of the artist
Commissions & Productions

Multi-channel audio work encoded for 47 channel The Morning Line Sound System
Duration variable
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary 

No Rest Even for the Static (Matter II) consists of 23 stereo tracks and one mono track; 47 channels altogether. These tracks are divided into four parts. Part one contains thirty sine wave tones from 1,000 to 10,000 Hz; part two contains thirty sine wave tones from 200 to 1,000 Hz; part three contains nine sine wave tones from 50 to 200 Hz; part four contains three sine wave tones from 36 to 67 Hz. All 24 tracks are played simultaneously, and as each track has its own special duration, it means that the outcome, the combination of tones, never will be the same. The piece may be performed for as long as desired.
The title indicates an interest in solid state phenomena. It proposes a movement within all matter, physical as psychical - the transportation of vehicles in a specified or unspecified micro- or macro-space; the movement of particles in solid state matter; the interference of thoughts and energy over vast areas and so on. It also discusses the function of aging, including both the physical bodily transformations and the psychologically vague ideas of the self being a solid matter or not. These sounds not only ask for the listeners' ability to treat it as music only, but also ask for a capacity within the listener to fully encapsulate him- or herself in this artificial form of "give and take," using, at the same time, both the intellectual and the emotional properties given - without the use of a standard hierarchical function. – the artist

*1956 in Linköping, Sweden | Living and working in Stockholm, Sweden
Carl Michael von Hausswolff at EPHEMEROPTERAE˜ VIII/XV+ at TBA21 Augarten, Vienna - July 20, 2012