Elmgreen & Dragset
Powerless Structures, Fig. 69, 1999

Installation view: Modus Operandi, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria, 2004

© Bildrecht, Vienna, 2017 | Photo: Angelika Krinzinger
Installation view: Modus Operandi, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria, 2004

© Bildrecht, Vienna, 2017 | Photo: Angelika Krinzinger

Wood, steel, white paint, polystyrene
Overall installation dimensions: 200 x 280 x 120 cm

Elmgreen & Dragset are constantly exploring the ideas of private versus public and active versus dormant, frequently through the conceptual vehicle of the exhibition space. Often the exhibition space itself becomes the material of contortion, examination and installation. In Powerless Structures, Fig. 69, a stack of paper appears to be flying out of the window, illustrating the futility of order and defying the borderline between private intention (a stack of papers in a room) and public information (the random future path the papers would take upon passing through the window). The anxiety of the moment is harnessed in the suggested trajectory of the papers propelled by an unseen natural force.

Michael Elmgreen: *1961 in Copenhagen, Denmark | Living and working in Berlin, Germany
​Ingar Dragset: *1969 in Trondheim, Norway | Living and working in Berlin, Germany