The Ecologies of Peace II - Winter Mediation Program
February 1 – March 30, 2025

Enrique del Castillo. Courtesy of the artist.
BAIVEN. Courtesy of the participants.
NAVALNY. Still of the film. Courtesy of the distributor.
Isabel Do Diego. Courtesy of the artist.
C3A Córdoba


From January to March takes place the winter mediation programme of Ecologies of Peace II, an exhibition resulting from the collaboration between TBA21 and C3A Andalucía. 
A complete schedule for all publics that includes workshops given by artists, children's and family activities, a concert of experimental music for babies, film screenings and talks. Some of these events are based on works from the exhibition. 

The aim of these activities is to generate spaces for meeting, listening and collective learning, encouraging dialogue on regenerative practices and peace-building projects in the local and international spheres. This interactive approach enriches the exhibition experience and invites reflection and collaboration on the challenges and opportunities posed by environmental and social regeneration.

*All activities are free of charge and require registration through TBA21's Eventbrite platform.
Danzar el Abrazo, with BAIVEN
Participants: Alba Sáenz-López y Mar Sáenz-López.

Date:  02/15/2025 and 03/15/2025. 12pm-1pm. 
Location: Mediateca.  Mediateca (workshop I) and Caja negra (workshop II). Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía C3A
Age recommendation: All audiences from 5 years of age onwards.
Language: Spanish. 

¿How does your body move?
Can we relate in different ways when we dance with other bodies?
What is the movement of an embrace? And of a conflict?
What path do we want to walk- and dance- together?

This workshop is a dance and movement research meeting. Based on the work Abrazos III, by Daniel Otero Torres, and the concept of peace as a series of social and individual practices, the group will play and dance with space and time. A scenic place will be created where the participants will mark the course of our journey.

Get your tickets here (day 1) and here (day 2).

El cuerno mágico de la juventud, with Enrique del Castillo
 Enrique del Castillo
Date: 02/16/2025- 12pm. 
Location: Mediateca. Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía C3A.
Age recommendation: Babies and children from 0-4 years old, accompanied by an adult.
Language: Spanish. 

El cuerno mágico de la juventud is a concert for children from 0 to 4 years old where they will travel through atmospheres and melodies in a very sensitive way. References to nature sounds and fantastic recordings complete this journey through rhythms invented through electronics and more analogue resources.

Get your tickets here

NAVALNY, of Daniel Roher and coloquium with Marta Jiménez and Guillermo Rojas

Participants: María Jiménez and Guillermo Rojas
Date: 02/20/2025. 6pm-8:30pm
Location: Filmoteca de Andalucía, Córdoba. 
Age recommendation: Adult audiences. 
Language: Spanish. FIlm in VOSE. 

This screening offers a deep dive into Navalny (2022), the US documentary directed by Daniel Roher that tells the moving story of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, his Novichok poisoning in 2020 and the subsequent investigation. 
The first part consists of a screening of the documentary, winner of the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature, which reveals Navalny's fight against corruption in Russia and his accusations against Vladimir Putin. The second part of the activity includes a colloquium with the participation of leading professionals from the film sector.

Tiket sales directly at the box office.

Banda Sonora de Paz, with Isabel Do Diego
 Isabel Do Diego. 
Date: 02/22/2025. 10am-1:30pm
Location: Mediateca. Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía C3A.
Age recommendation: Adult audiences. 
Language: Spanish. 

This hybrid event includes a lecture, performance, pedagogy and laboratory activities. Banda Sonora de paz proposes a journey through the exhibition Ecologies of Peace II while listening through headphones to a sound archive created for the occasion by Isabel Do Diego. After this sound-exhibition exercise, and based on what has been heard and seen, the whole group will carry out a laboratory where they will dialogue, debate and democratically choose the titles and order of the themes that will make up the Banda Sonora de la paz

Get your tickets here

Cantar nuestra herida, with Ana Belén Ramos

Participants: Ana Belén Ramos
Date: 03/22/2025 and 03/23(2025. 12pm-2pm.
Location: Education Room. Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía
Age recommendation: Children from 8 years old (Saturday 22) and adults and young people from 16 years old (Sunday 23).
Language: Spanish. 

Observe the wound, accept it, write it, sing it. Even if our pencil is stolen or broken, we still have our cry. 

This writing workshop will address and work on the liberating power of the word starting from Amar Kanwar's play, A night of prophecy. The activity works on this work around the question: how can we sing the song of peace when peace is far away from us? 

Get your tickets here (day 1) and here (day 2).