Between Architecture, Science, and Sound
June 8–9, 2011 | Stadtkino, Vienna
June 8–9, 2011 | Stadtkino, Vienna

Conceived as a genuinely collaborative structure, The Morning Line brings together a distinct visual language with a multiplicity of architectural, mathematical, physical and sonic concepts. New spatialized, 47-channel sound compositions supplement The Morning Line’s sonic archive at each location, creating the need for an ongoing process of contextualization in relation to the project’s shifting emphasis.
An alternating series of panels, lectures and conversations not only addresses the program of new commissions in Vienna curated by Franz Pomassl by focusing on the participants’ practices but also refers to key aspects of the project and the relationship between sound, architecture, contemporary art and science in general.
Panel: Beyond Background Noise - Perspectives on sound art
Following the 2006 publication by Brandon LaBelle tracing the history of sound art, the panel explores the development of sound as an artistic medium and illustrates the modes in which it is used within the artistic fields of installation, performance, architecture and environment.
Participants: Franz Pomassl, Yasunao Tone, Robin Mackay, Carsten Nicolai, Lorenzo Fusi and Brandon LaBelle (moderator)
Conversation: Yasunao Tone in Conversation with Tony Myatt Japanese sound pioneer, Group Ongaku, Hi-Red Center member and Fluxus artist and radical noise experimenter in one of his rare public appearances.
Presentation: Brandon La Belle, "Spatiality and Acoustics"
Sound can be appreciated as forming a unique cultural paradigm, locating our field of relations according to experiences of listening, acoustics, auditory memory, speech, etc. Following the particularity of sound, the lecture maps out acoustical spatiality as a process of interference, multiplication, and othering, to suggest a more pronounced relational perspective on what it means to hear.
Panel: The Morning Line - Interventions in public space
Exploring The Morning Line as an architectural installation in the public space which is at the same time transient and nomadic yet radically interactive and site-bound, the panel addresses the specific urban context of The Morning Line in Vienna in relation to previous installations in Seville and Istanbul and the challenges and questions related to such endeavors. In addition to The Morning Line ’s material and visual presence, its sound archive of advanced compositions amplifies the architecture's own perceptual spectrum. As an open and non-hierarchic auditory space, it emphasizes the movement of individuals through space to generate spatiality.
Participants: Ben Aranda, Petteri Nisunen, Finnbogi Petursson, Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza, Roland Schöny (moderator)
Lecture: Ben Aranda/Chris Lasch, "Scalar Invariance"
The architect team behind The Morning Line ’s fractal modules and crystalline structure.
Panel: Disseminating Sound
In recent years music distribution has changed drastically due to the availability and easy dissemination of music through downloads and streaming technologies. This panel addresses the economic changes within the industry in relation to specialized, small-scale music labels focusing on the participants of The Morning Line who run their own labels and are involved in the creation of alternative dissemination systems. The creation of new legal frameworks – such as the increasingly popular copyleft movement or Apple’s ruling on digital rights management (DRM) – and the overriding dominance of iTunes Store in the distribution of digital content figure as the backdrop for discussion.
Participants: Zavoloka, Anna Ceeh, Carsten Nicolai, Franz Pomassl, Einar Örn, Tommi Grönlund and Rob Young (moderator)
Tommi Grönlund / sähkö / / Finland
Carsten Nicolai / Germany
Zavoloka (w Kotra) / Kvitnu / / Ukraine
Franz Pomassl, Anna Ceeh / Laton / / Austria
Einar Örn / Bad Taste/Smekkleysa / Iceland
An alternating series of panels, lectures and conversations not only addresses the program of new commissions in Vienna curated by Franz Pomassl by focusing on the participants’ practices but also refers to key aspects of the project and the relationship between sound, architecture, contemporary art and science in general.
Panel: Beyond Background Noise - Perspectives on sound art
Following the 2006 publication by Brandon LaBelle tracing the history of sound art, the panel explores the development of sound as an artistic medium and illustrates the modes in which it is used within the artistic fields of installation, performance, architecture and environment.
Participants: Franz Pomassl, Yasunao Tone, Robin Mackay, Carsten Nicolai, Lorenzo Fusi and Brandon LaBelle (moderator)
Conversation: Yasunao Tone in Conversation with Tony Myatt Japanese sound pioneer, Group Ongaku, Hi-Red Center member and Fluxus artist and radical noise experimenter in one of his rare public appearances.
Presentation: Brandon La Belle, "Spatiality and Acoustics"
Sound can be appreciated as forming a unique cultural paradigm, locating our field of relations according to experiences of listening, acoustics, auditory memory, speech, etc. Following the particularity of sound, the lecture maps out acoustical spatiality as a process of interference, multiplication, and othering, to suggest a more pronounced relational perspective on what it means to hear.
Panel: The Morning Line - Interventions in public space
Exploring The Morning Line as an architectural installation in the public space which is at the same time transient and nomadic yet radically interactive and site-bound, the panel addresses the specific urban context of The Morning Line in Vienna in relation to previous installations in Seville and Istanbul and the challenges and questions related to such endeavors. In addition to The Morning Line ’s material and visual presence, its sound archive of advanced compositions amplifies the architecture's own perceptual spectrum. As an open and non-hierarchic auditory space, it emphasizes the movement of individuals through space to generate spatiality.
Participants: Ben Aranda, Petteri Nisunen, Finnbogi Petursson, Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza, Roland Schöny (moderator)
Lecture: Ben Aranda/Chris Lasch, "Scalar Invariance"
The architect team behind The Morning Line ’s fractal modules and crystalline structure.
Panel: Disseminating Sound
In recent years music distribution has changed drastically due to the availability and easy dissemination of music through downloads and streaming technologies. This panel addresses the economic changes within the industry in relation to specialized, small-scale music labels focusing on the participants of The Morning Line who run their own labels and are involved in the creation of alternative dissemination systems. The creation of new legal frameworks – such as the increasingly popular copyleft movement or Apple’s ruling on digital rights management (DRM) – and the overriding dominance of iTunes Store in the distribution of digital content figure as the backdrop for discussion.
Participants: Zavoloka, Anna Ceeh, Carsten Nicolai, Franz Pomassl, Einar Örn, Tommi Grönlund and Rob Young (moderator)
Tommi Grönlund / sähkö / / Finland
Carsten Nicolai / Germany
Zavoloka (w Kotra) / Kvitnu / / Ukraine
Franz Pomassl, Anna Ceeh / Laton / / Austria
Einar Örn / Bad Taste/Smekkleysa / Iceland