Emanuel Danesch & David Rych
Minority Logbox: multiple degrees of representation, 2006
Minority Logbox: multiple degrees of representation, 2006

Photo: Courtesy the artists
"Nagetusch Brilliant" camper trailer with single-channel video installation on monitor, digitized video archive in self-service video jukebox
61 videos with varying durations (from 2 min 48 sec to 59 min 15 sec)
225 x 340 x 175 cm (camper)
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Emanuel Danesch and David Rych have followed the journey of Kutlug Ataman’s Küba on the river Danube, from Rousse in Bulgaria to Vienna, traveling by car and towing a caravan converted to a mobile videotheque. In advance of their departure, the artists collected film and video works from the eight countries involved in Küba: Journey Against the Current, featuring ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as well as non-homogeneous groups marginalized for other reasons. These films, which were screened at each location as part of the Minority Logbox archive, were individually selected in order to reflect the cultural, geographical, political and social situation of these communities and individuals, widening the focus on transnational social groups often overlooked by administrative descriptions and thereby deprived of legal status.
The Minority Logbox videotheque has been extended for the AIDS 2010 cultural program. It now also assembles twelve carefully selected films by artists, documentarists, political collectives and the AIDS-video-activism-scene of the 1980s and 90s. Building upon the selection for the exhibition Fever in the Archive: AIDS Activist Video from the New York Public Library, which was curated by Jim Hubbard and shown at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 2000, Danesch and Rych revisit the booming New Yorker AIDS-Video-Activism between 1988 and 1993.
The caravan, titled ‘Nagetusch Brilliant’, will remain the same, but the videotheque can and will change as it continues to reflect its surroundings.
Emanuel Danesch: *1976 in Innsbruck, Austria | Living and working in Vienna, Austria
David Rych: *1975 in Innsbruck, Austria | Living and working in Berlin, Germany
61 videos with varying durations (from 2 min 48 sec to 59 min 15 sec)
225 x 340 x 175 cm (camper)
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Emanuel Danesch and David Rych have followed the journey of Kutlug Ataman’s Küba on the river Danube, from Rousse in Bulgaria to Vienna, traveling by car and towing a caravan converted to a mobile videotheque. In advance of their departure, the artists collected film and video works from the eight countries involved in Küba: Journey Against the Current, featuring ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as well as non-homogeneous groups marginalized for other reasons. These films, which were screened at each location as part of the Minority Logbox archive, were individually selected in order to reflect the cultural, geographical, political and social situation of these communities and individuals, widening the focus on transnational social groups often overlooked by administrative descriptions and thereby deprived of legal status.
The Minority Logbox videotheque has been extended for the AIDS 2010 cultural program. It now also assembles twelve carefully selected films by artists, documentarists, political collectives and the AIDS-video-activism-scene of the 1980s and 90s. Building upon the selection for the exhibition Fever in the Archive: AIDS Activist Video from the New York Public Library, which was curated by Jim Hubbard and shown at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 2000, Danesch and Rych revisit the booming New Yorker AIDS-Video-Activism between 1988 and 1993.
The caravan, titled ‘Nagetusch Brilliant’, will remain the same, but the videotheque can and will change as it continues to reflect its surroundings.
Emanuel Danesch: *1976 in Innsbruck, Austria | Living and working in Vienna, Austria
David Rych: *1975 in Innsbruck, Austria | Living and working in Berlin, Germany