Lecture Simone Niedermüller 'Fish Forward'
April 29, 2017 | TBA21–Augarten, Vienna

Source: WWF-Austria

Lecture by Simone Niedermüller, Marine Biologist and member of the WWF, discussing developments of the fishing industry in the Anthropocene Ocean and possibly counter measures
International fishing industries have undergone radical transformation over the last forty years. So have the oceans – the source of food and income for more than 800 million people. Both European Union and WWF push for the sustainable development of global fisheries. They join forces in the Europe-wide Fish Forward Project (www.fishforward.eu) to raise awareness of sustainable fish consumption and its positive impacts on nature and people, especially in developing countries. The EU is the biggest market and importer of fish and seafood in the world. Hence, European policy makers, the corporate sector as well as consumers play a vital role in the future development of the global fisheries sector.

Simone Niedermüller is a Marine Biologist at WWF coordinating the research activities of the EU co-funded Fish Forward project and taking part in different formats of policy making processes. She will provide a comprehensive global perspective on the issue, and the role of the EU as the largest seafood market.
April 29, 2017 at 4 pm
TBA21-Augarten, Kiosk
Scherzergasse 1a, 1020 Vienna
Free Admission