ephemeropteræ 2017/#1 – Jana Winderen

Ephemeropteræ # 1 – Jana Winderen. Photo: Christoph Liebentritt
Jana Winderen’s live performance follows her sound installation bára (2017) in the Tidalectics exhibition at TBA21–Augarten. The work is composed from hydrophone recordings the artist collected during various expeditions with the TBA21–Academy among other journeys and comprises diverse sounds, from waves to the distinctive clicking sounds of crustaceans, from smaller fish species grunting and interacting with corals to larger mammals like pinnipeds and cetaceans, whose songs create moments of intensity when they waver through the space. Winderen’s aural compositions turn our attention to audible underwater landscapes from the North Pole to the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans, allowing us to home in on senses and immediate perceptions beyond visual representations. The quality and sonic level of underwater sounds can be indicative of the status of ecosystems and the health of marine habitats. Winderen’s work takes us into these subsea environments in an evocative composition that creates a logic of ebb and flow, reminiscent of the tidal movements of the oceans themselves.
Jana Winderen is an artist educated in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College in London, with a background in mathematics, chemistry, and fish ecology from the University of Oslo. She had an installation at the Park Avenue Tunnel in New York City in the summer of 2014 and exhibited at MoMA, NYC in 2013. Winderen was recently artist in residence at the TBA21–Academy and releases her audio-visual works on Touch Radio. In 2011 she won the Golden Nica, Prix Ars Electronica, for Digital Music & Sound Art. Amongst her activities are immersive multi-channel installations and concerts that she has performed internationally. Recent commissions for multichannel sound installation works include the works Transmission for the V-A-C foundation, Classified for the Borealis festival, and Spring Bloom in the Marginal Ice Zone for Sonic Acts, all in 2017. She currently lives and works in Oslo.
Jana Winderen is an artist educated in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College in London, with a background in mathematics, chemistry, and fish ecology from the University of Oslo. She had an installation at the Park Avenue Tunnel in New York City in the summer of 2014 and exhibited at MoMA, NYC in 2013. Winderen was recently artist in residence at the TBA21–Academy and releases her audio-visual works on Touch Radio. In 2011 she won the Golden Nica, Prix Ars Electronica, for Digital Music & Sound Art. Amongst her activities are immersive multi-channel installations and concerts that she has performed internationally. Recent commissions for multichannel sound installation works include the works Transmission for the V-A-C foundation, Classified for the Borealis festival, and Spring Bloom in the Marginal Ice Zone for Sonic Acts, all in 2017. She currently lives and works in Oslo.