László Csáki & Szábolcs Pálfi
Agár - The Hungarian Greyhound Project, 2006
Agár - The Hungarian Greyhound Project, 2006
Still: Courtesy the artists
Eight-channel video installation (transferred from 16 mm film and DV), color, sound
Videos with varying durations (from 35 sec to 15 min 59 sec)
Overall dimensions variable
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection
Agár – The Hungarian Greyhound Project is an audiovisual collage composed of thirty individual interviews and filmed sequences, screened on television monitors arranged in clusters within the exhibition space. The central character is a dog, the Agár, in its role as a specific Hungaricum. The animal is used to demonstrate a complex system of stratification across Hungarian society. Alongside footage of the dog hunting, racing and training, Csáki & Pálfi investigate and explore this system of representation by presenting recorded interviews with the parties directly involved with the dog, or indirectly affected by its activities: the breeder, the owner, the veterinarian, the dog handler, the hunter, the politician.
László Csáki: * 1977 Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary
Szábolcs Pálfi: * 1974 Budapest, Hungary
Videos with varying durations (from 35 sec to 15 min 59 sec)
Overall dimensions variable
Commissioned by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection
Agár – The Hungarian Greyhound Project is an audiovisual collage composed of thirty individual interviews and filmed sequences, screened on television monitors arranged in clusters within the exhibition space. The central character is a dog, the Agár, in its role as a specific Hungaricum. The animal is used to demonstrate a complex system of stratification across Hungarian society. Alongside footage of the dog hunting, racing and training, Csáki & Pálfi investigate and explore this system of representation by presenting recorded interviews with the parties directly involved with the dog, or indirectly affected by its activities: the breeder, the owner, the veterinarian, the dog handler, the hunter, the politician.
László Csáki: * 1977 Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary
Szábolcs Pálfi: * 1974 Budapest, Hungary