The Journeying Stream
Full Program
June 3 –
June 5, 2022

C3A Córdoba
Friday, June 3, 2022
5:30 – 6 pm
Allora & Calzadilla, mains hum
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
Register here
mains hum (2017) consists of a series of vocal actions conceived by the artist duo Allora & Calzadilla in collaboration with the conductor Donald Nally and the composer David Lang that explore the mains hum—the continuous, low humming that buzzes from old or improperly grounded electrical transformers. The performance deepens the connection between Allora & Calzadilla’s seminal work Blackout and the corrosive impact of the energy crisis in Puerto Rico and is presented by the Cordobese vocal ensemble Coro Brouwer and students from the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Córdoba.
6:30 – 7 pm
Seba Calfuqueo, Ko ta mapungey ka (Water is also territory)
Performance and installation
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
Register here
Ko ta mapungey ka (2020) is a performative installation by Mapuche artist Seba Calfuqueo. The work establishes a poetic and political relationship between water, the body, the Mapuche language, and the land while exposing the devastating effects of extractivism in causing aridity and depletion. The haunting sentence Mapu kishu angkükelay, kakelu angkümmapukey (the soil does not dry by itself, others dry it) expresses the suffering inflicted by the Chilean Water Code, which controls the distribution of the country’s water resources by granting permanent water titles to private companies. For Ko ta mapungey ka, the artist collaborated with Andalusian artisans to create a series of ceramic replicas of water gallons in different dimensions and shapes.
Following the event at C3A, the installation will remain on view until July 3, 2022.
7 – 7.30 pm
Plants for a Petrol-free Future: Utopia or Necessity? (Spanish)
Guided tour and talk with Plata, Rafael Tamajón, and Cándido Gálvez
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
Register here
Vegetal Acupuncture is an eco-poetic intervention aimed at reversing the depletion of plant coverage in cities and reconciling the needs of vegetal ecosystems with the cultural understanding of humans. It focuses on plants for a petrol-free future, identified for their uses as petroleum substitutes, which have been planted across otherwise disused spaces of the C3A.
7:30 pm and 9:30 pm
Niño de Elche, ma’ ma’ αίμα
Performance commissioned by TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary and st_age
Molino de Martos, Córdoba
Register here
The newly commissioned performance ma' ma' αίμα by Niño de Elche, one of the most innovative flamenco artists of our time, is presented in the Molino de Martos, Córdoba’s former flour mill. Drawing its title from αἷμα (haîma, the ancient Greek word for blood, which is also reminiscent of ma', the word water in Arabic), Niño de Elche proposes a spiritual interpretation of the symbolism associated with the elements of blood and water, evoking concepts of purity and life, death, and sacrifice, as well as salvation and redemption. His performative invocations seek to animate meanings of kinship across bodies through the vast and polyphonic reach of vocalization, capable of producing aquatic mimesis and communion.
Saturday, June 4 , 2022
Meandering Program Launch
A day-long offering organized by TBA21–Academy unfolds the spiritual, philosophical, and political trajectories of the Guadalquivir River and introduces the new three-year live research program Meandering, expanding from the Ocean into rivers, tributaries, springs, streams, alluvial plains, tidal marshes, wetlands, groundwaters, and aquifers, as well as the physical and spiritual water elements that connect all planetary life.
9 – 11 am
Eduardo Navarro, River-Heart (Spanish)
Drawing meditation
Sotos de Albolafia, Córdoba
Register here
In this morning meditation session, Eduardo Navarro invites us to visualize a river moving between the fingers of land, as if it were a loop of contemplation beads, while softening our senses into becoming oceanic. Through participatory drawing, deep listening exercises, and a communal breakfast, Navarro proposes a journey inward to reflect on how rivers flow in and out of the ocean as well as through us, bringing awareness to the reciprocal interplay between river, land, and ocean.
* This event is family-friendly, suitable for all ages, but not fully accessible to wheelchair users.
12 – 2 pm
Conversation between Markus Reymann, Sofia Lemos, Lafawndah, Isabel Lewis, and Eduardo Navarro. (English)
Palacio de Orive, Córdoba
Register here
In this conversation, Markus Reymann, director of TBA21–Academy, shares his desire to invite ocean action and imagination into Andalusia and Spain through Meandering, TBA21–Academy’s new live research program, conceived and curated by Sofia Lemos. Meandering expands from the Ocean into rivers, tributaries, springs, streams, alluvial plains, tidal marshes, wetlands, and aquifers, as well as the physical and spiritual water elements that connect all planetary life forms. This dialogue invites Lafawndah, Isabel Lewis, and Eduardo Navarro to share their practices and imagine together how live research through visual, performative, and sonic registers can be an applied practice for reconciling our relationship with ourselves and in fellowship with every ocean, river, and waterway that connects and surrounds us.
7:30 – 9 pm
Isabel Lewis, Urban Flourishing (English)
Archaeological Museum patios
Register here
In this roaming performance, Isabel Lewis encourages us to connect with our inner worlds and become subtle to its urban echoes. Presented in the patios and adjacent plaza of the Archeological Museum, where ancient artifacts connected to the Guadalquivir River become a point of departure to uncover another experience of city-time, Urban Flourishing incorporates dance, performance, and active listening as a hybrid practice for the body that suggests alternative modes of engagement with urban environments.
11 pm – 1 pm
Lafawndah, Ancestral Rave
Musical performance
City Tourism Terrace, Córdoba
Register here
For the closing of TBA21–Academy’s launch of Meandering, Lafawndah offers a dance party that explores Córdoba’s sonic continuum, inviting us on a journey through the confluence of sounds, poetry, and languages of the region’s rhythmic present. In this immersive performance, Lafawndah’s storytelling and instrumental explorations take us on a deep dive of experimental, “diaspora pop” with hints of Middle Eastern folk, flamenco, R&B, and electronica aimed at unbordering the body and celebrating nonlinear time. Experienced through taste, scent, sound, and movement, Ancestral Rave initiates a journey toward the operatic retelling of human existence in relation to the wet, elemental world.
Sunday, June 5, 2022
10 – 11 am
Laia Estruch, Ocells Perduts V67
Sotos de Albolafia, Córdoba
Register here
Ocells Perduts V67 is an investigative sonic and aural experiment exploring the relationships between the artist’s body, aqueous landscapes, and bird song. Taking place in one of the rich bird wetlands of the Guadalquivir River, Laia Estruch tunes herself to the acoustic environment to enter into conversation with the fluvial ecosystem and its avifauna. The artist gently accesses the “stage” of the birds, inhabits their territory, attending to the contact zone between her body and her aviary interlocutors. The resulting dialogue between birds and humans produces a unique sound ecosystem, an interspecies duet, a way of singing the territory together, and of expanding the grammar of interrelations.
* This event is family-friendly, suitable for all ages, but not fully accessible to wheelchair users. Please bring your own water, sunscreen, and sun protection.
11 am – 12 pm
Water Walk led by Seba Calfuqueo (Spanish)
Riverside walk
Sotos de Albolafia, Córdoba
Register here
Mapuche artist Seba Calfuqueo is leading an excursion to one of the richest riverside zones of the Guadalquivir River, Sotos de la Albolafia. This stretch of the river was declared a natural monument in 2001 and is part of the Networks of Protected Natural Areas of Andalusia due to the wide variety of bird species present in the area and its importance as a breeding zone. Calfuqueo’s Water Walk will open shared pathways for Mapuche narratives and ways of sensing water and land, told through and informed by Córdoba’s great river, the Guadalquivir.
* This event is family-friendly, suitable for all ages, but not fully accessible to wheelchair users. Please bring your own water, sunscreen, and sun protection.
5 – 7 pm
Sweet Encounters (English and Spanish with simultaneous translation)
Conversation with artists and curators
Auditorium Casa Árabe, Córdoba
With: Marina Avia; Madison Bycroft, Léo Landon Barret and Nana (Anaïs) Pinay; Seba Calfuqueo; Barbara Casavecchia; Laia Estruch; Soledad Gutiérrez; Sofia Lemos; Olaf Nicolai; Diana Policarpo; Matthew Ritchie; Markus Reymann; Daniel Steegmann Mangrané; Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza; and Daniela Zyman.
Register here
This series of conversations will take the audiences through an animated journey touching upon ideas of abundance as a life-sustaining and worldmaking principle. The artistic and curatorial provocations will elaborate on the reach and depth of aqueous narratives and atmospheric elements to reflect on art, the meanings of kinship with non-human others, and the prolific performativity of nature.
9:30 – 10:30 pm
Madison Bycroft, Léo Landon Barret, Nana (Anaïs) Pinay, Carried Away: Beyond a Rooted Condition (English with Spanish subtitles)
The Royal Botanical Garden of Córdoba
Co-curated with Barbara Casavecchia
Register here
Carried Away: Beyond a Rooted Condition is a new performance, written and choreographed for the Royal Botanical Garden of Córdoba to speculate together in song, sound, and story. It departs from nomenclatures, classifications, and histories, preserved in greenhouses and moves with the meanders of the Guadalquivir river, which runs along the herbariums. The work is a movement from one place to another, but the way is not straight: it meanders, eddies, detours, and gets stuck in the reed swamps before a story swells and pushes it forward. Is a movement still “forward” if there is no goal, no destination in mind? With Latin names sinking into the mud, particular, edged, theatrical surfaces get anchored to their spot and gather grass, shrubs, and algae, eventually eroding too. Who is here? An introduced species? Native and exotic? How do we allow you your unrecognizability beside the opaque waters of the Guadalquivir river?
Access Information
Expected temperatures on these dates vary between 29–34 degrees Celsius and so breaks have been included in the program to allow for rest. Most events are fully accessible to wheelchair users and include simultaneous translation for Spanish-speaking audiences. We are unable to provide Spanish Sign Language interpretation for this program. If you have any questions about access or specific access requirements, please contact Francisco Estepa
Friday, June 3, 2022
5:30 – 6 pm
Allora & Calzadilla, mains hum
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
Register here
mains hum (2017) consists of a series of vocal actions conceived by the artist duo Allora & Calzadilla in collaboration with the conductor Donald Nally and the composer David Lang that explore the mains hum—the continuous, low humming that buzzes from old or improperly grounded electrical transformers. The performance deepens the connection between Allora & Calzadilla’s seminal work Blackout and the corrosive impact of the energy crisis in Puerto Rico and is presented by the Cordobese vocal ensemble Coro Brouwer and students from the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Córdoba.
6:30 – 7 pm
Seba Calfuqueo, Ko ta mapungey ka (Water is also territory)
Performance and installation
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
Register here
Ko ta mapungey ka (2020) is a performative installation by Mapuche artist Seba Calfuqueo. The work establishes a poetic and political relationship between water, the body, the Mapuche language, and the land while exposing the devastating effects of extractivism in causing aridity and depletion. The haunting sentence Mapu kishu angkükelay, kakelu angkümmapukey (the soil does not dry by itself, others dry it) expresses the suffering inflicted by the Chilean Water Code, which controls the distribution of the country’s water resources by granting permanent water titles to private companies. For Ko ta mapungey ka, the artist collaborated with Andalusian artisans to create a series of ceramic replicas of water gallons in different dimensions and shapes.
Following the event at C3A, the installation will remain on view until July 3, 2022.
7 – 7.30 pm
Plants for a Petrol-free Future: Utopia or Necessity? (Spanish)
Guided tour and talk with Plata, Rafael Tamajón, and Cándido Gálvez
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba
Register here
Vegetal Acupuncture is an eco-poetic intervention aimed at reversing the depletion of plant coverage in cities and reconciling the needs of vegetal ecosystems with the cultural understanding of humans. It focuses on plants for a petrol-free future, identified for their uses as petroleum substitutes, which have been planted across otherwise disused spaces of the C3A.
7:30 pm and 9:30 pm
Niño de Elche, ma’ ma’ αίμα
Performance commissioned by TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary and st_age
Molino de Martos, Córdoba
Register here
The newly commissioned performance ma' ma' αίμα by Niño de Elche, one of the most innovative flamenco artists of our time, is presented in the Molino de Martos, Córdoba’s former flour mill. Drawing its title from αἷμα (haîma, the ancient Greek word for blood, which is also reminiscent of ma', the word water in Arabic), Niño de Elche proposes a spiritual interpretation of the symbolism associated with the elements of blood and water, evoking concepts of purity and life, death, and sacrifice, as well as salvation and redemption. His performative invocations seek to animate meanings of kinship across bodies through the vast and polyphonic reach of vocalization, capable of producing aquatic mimesis and communion.
Saturday, June 4 , 2022
Meandering Program Launch
A day-long offering organized by TBA21–Academy unfolds the spiritual, philosophical, and political trajectories of the Guadalquivir River and introduces the new three-year live research program Meandering, expanding from the Ocean into rivers, tributaries, springs, streams, alluvial plains, tidal marshes, wetlands, groundwaters, and aquifers, as well as the physical and spiritual water elements that connect all planetary life.
9 – 11 am
Eduardo Navarro, River-Heart (Spanish)
Drawing meditation
Sotos de Albolafia, Córdoba
Register here
In this morning meditation session, Eduardo Navarro invites us to visualize a river moving between the fingers of land, as if it were a loop of contemplation beads, while softening our senses into becoming oceanic. Through participatory drawing, deep listening exercises, and a communal breakfast, Navarro proposes a journey inward to reflect on how rivers flow in and out of the ocean as well as through us, bringing awareness to the reciprocal interplay between river, land, and ocean.
* This event is family-friendly, suitable for all ages, but not fully accessible to wheelchair users.
12 – 2 pm
Conversation between Markus Reymann, Sofia Lemos, Lafawndah, Isabel Lewis, and Eduardo Navarro. (English)
Palacio de Orive, Córdoba
Register here
In this conversation, Markus Reymann, director of TBA21–Academy, shares his desire to invite ocean action and imagination into Andalusia and Spain through Meandering, TBA21–Academy’s new live research program, conceived and curated by Sofia Lemos. Meandering expands from the Ocean into rivers, tributaries, springs, streams, alluvial plains, tidal marshes, wetlands, and aquifers, as well as the physical and spiritual water elements that connect all planetary life forms. This dialogue invites Lafawndah, Isabel Lewis, and Eduardo Navarro to share their practices and imagine together how live research through visual, performative, and sonic registers can be an applied practice for reconciling our relationship with ourselves and in fellowship with every ocean, river, and waterway that connects and surrounds us.
7:30 – 9 pm
Isabel Lewis, Urban Flourishing (English)
Archaeological Museum patios
Register here
In this roaming performance, Isabel Lewis encourages us to connect with our inner worlds and become subtle to its urban echoes. Presented in the patios and adjacent plaza of the Archeological Museum, where ancient artifacts connected to the Guadalquivir River become a point of departure to uncover another experience of city-time, Urban Flourishing incorporates dance, performance, and active listening as a hybrid practice for the body that suggests alternative modes of engagement with urban environments.
11 pm – 1 pm
Lafawndah, Ancestral Rave
Musical performance
City Tourism Terrace, Córdoba
Register here
For the closing of TBA21–Academy’s launch of Meandering, Lafawndah offers a dance party that explores Córdoba’s sonic continuum, inviting us on a journey through the confluence of sounds, poetry, and languages of the region’s rhythmic present. In this immersive performance, Lafawndah’s storytelling and instrumental explorations take us on a deep dive of experimental, “diaspora pop” with hints of Middle Eastern folk, flamenco, R&B, and electronica aimed at unbordering the body and celebrating nonlinear time. Experienced through taste, scent, sound, and movement, Ancestral Rave initiates a journey toward the operatic retelling of human existence in relation to the wet, elemental world.
Sunday, June 5, 2022
10 – 11 am
Laia Estruch, Ocells Perduts V67
Sotos de Albolafia, Córdoba
Register here
Ocells Perduts V67 is an investigative sonic and aural experiment exploring the relationships between the artist’s body, aqueous landscapes, and bird song. Taking place in one of the rich bird wetlands of the Guadalquivir River, Laia Estruch tunes herself to the acoustic environment to enter into conversation with the fluvial ecosystem and its avifauna. The artist gently accesses the “stage” of the birds, inhabits their territory, attending to the contact zone between her body and her aviary interlocutors. The resulting dialogue between birds and humans produces a unique sound ecosystem, an interspecies duet, a way of singing the territory together, and of expanding the grammar of interrelations.
* This event is family-friendly, suitable for all ages, but not fully accessible to wheelchair users. Please bring your own water, sunscreen, and sun protection.
11 am – 12 pm
Water Walk led by Seba Calfuqueo (Spanish)
Riverside walk
Sotos de Albolafia, Córdoba
Register here
Mapuche artist Seba Calfuqueo is leading an excursion to one of the richest riverside zones of the Guadalquivir River, Sotos de la Albolafia. This stretch of the river was declared a natural monument in 2001 and is part of the Networks of Protected Natural Areas of Andalusia due to the wide variety of bird species present in the area and its importance as a breeding zone. Calfuqueo’s Water Walk will open shared pathways for Mapuche narratives and ways of sensing water and land, told through and informed by Córdoba’s great river, the Guadalquivir.
* This event is family-friendly, suitable for all ages, but not fully accessible to wheelchair users. Please bring your own water, sunscreen, and sun protection.
5 – 7 pm
Sweet Encounters (English and Spanish with simultaneous translation)
Conversation with artists and curators
Auditorium Casa Árabe, Córdoba
With: Marina Avia; Madison Bycroft, Léo Landon Barret and Nana (Anaïs) Pinay; Seba Calfuqueo; Barbara Casavecchia; Laia Estruch; Soledad Gutiérrez; Sofia Lemos; Olaf Nicolai; Diana Policarpo; Matthew Ritchie; Markus Reymann; Daniel Steegmann Mangrané; Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza; and Daniela Zyman.
Register here
This series of conversations will take the audiences through an animated journey touching upon ideas of abundance as a life-sustaining and worldmaking principle. The artistic and curatorial provocations will elaborate on the reach and depth of aqueous narratives and atmospheric elements to reflect on art, the meanings of kinship with non-human others, and the prolific performativity of nature.
9:30 – 10:30 pm
Madison Bycroft, Léo Landon Barret, Nana (Anaïs) Pinay, Carried Away: Beyond a Rooted Condition (English with Spanish subtitles)
The Royal Botanical Garden of Córdoba
Co-curated with Barbara Casavecchia
Register here
Carried Away: Beyond a Rooted Condition is a new performance, written and choreographed for the Royal Botanical Garden of Córdoba to speculate together in song, sound, and story. It departs from nomenclatures, classifications, and histories, preserved in greenhouses and moves with the meanders of the Guadalquivir river, which runs along the herbariums. The work is a movement from one place to another, but the way is not straight: it meanders, eddies, detours, and gets stuck in the reed swamps before a story swells and pushes it forward. Is a movement still “forward” if there is no goal, no destination in mind? With Latin names sinking into the mud, particular, edged, theatrical surfaces get anchored to their spot and gather grass, shrubs, and algae, eventually eroding too. Who is here? An introduced species? Native and exotic? How do we allow you your unrecognizability beside the opaque waters of the Guadalquivir river?
Access Information
Expected temperatures on these dates vary between 29–34 degrees Celsius and so breaks have been included in the program to allow for rest. Most events are fully accessible to wheelchair users and include simultaneous translation for Spanish-speaking audiences. We are unable to provide Spanish Sign Language interpretation for this program. If you have any questions about access or specific access requirements, please contact Francisco Estepa