Jonathas de Andrade
Olho de furacão, 2022
Olho de furacão, 2022

Photo: courtesy of the artist
Print on falcon-board
ca. 116 x 76 x 2 cm
Olho do Furacão (The eye of the storm) was first presented on the occasion of Jonathas de Andrade's exhibition in the Brazilian Pavilion at 59th Venice Biennale, 2022. The show was entitled Com o coração saindo pela boca (With the heart coming out of the mouth), and brought together more than 250 popular expressions that are metaphors based on the body, which become the spine from which sculptures, photographs and a video installation emerge.
‘There are hundreds of popular expressions related to parts of the body that describe feelings and situations. They encompass the literal and the absurd to give an account of subjectivity, which for this moment in Brazil, is highly revealing. Using these expressions to speak to the perplexity of the Brazilian body in relation to the present in so many instances – politically, socially, ecologically – seems extremely potent to me. The expressions in this collection provide an overview of the national emotional panorama, for instance ‘going in one ear and out the other’ and ‘to crack the heart’.’ – Jonathas de Andrade
ca. 116 x 76 x 2 cm
Olho do Furacão (The eye of the storm) was first presented on the occasion of Jonathas de Andrade's exhibition in the Brazilian Pavilion at 59th Venice Biennale, 2022. The show was entitled Com o coração saindo pela boca (With the heart coming out of the mouth), and brought together more than 250 popular expressions that are metaphors based on the body, which become the spine from which sculptures, photographs and a video installation emerge.
‘There are hundreds of popular expressions related to parts of the body that describe feelings and situations. They encompass the literal and the absurd to give an account of subjectivity, which for this moment in Brazil, is highly revealing. Using these expressions to speak to the perplexity of the Brazilian body in relation to the present in so many instances – politically, socially, ecologically – seems extremely potent to me. The expressions in this collection provide an overview of the national emotional panorama, for instance ‘going in one ear and out the other’ and ‘to crack the heart’.’ – Jonathas de Andrade