Sharon Lockhart
Four Exercises in Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation, 2011

Still: Courtesy the artist | Galerie neugerriemschneider, Berlin
Still: Courtesy the artist | Galerie neugerriemschneider, Berlin
Still: Courtesy the artist | Galerie neugerriemschneider, Berlin
Still: Courtesy the artist | Galerie neugerriemschneider, Berlin

Single-channel video installation (color, silent), projection wall
16 min 3 sec (video)
250 x 534 x 80 cm (wall)

The single-channel film installation Four Exercises in Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation (2011) features one of Noa Eshkol's longtime students, performing four different exercises of the Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation system (EWMN). In a sequence of four fixed shots, the film shows the impeccably trained dancer in a demanding solo performance involving complex movement sequences that follow strict compositional laws.

These four exercises present a rigorous demonstration of the EWMN system. Each sequence is structured as a suite, comparable to a lieder cycle, and is based on common thematic material characterized by ordering principles. Although Lockhart's film is silent, the exercises were originally performed to the beat of a metronome, the tool that provides accompaniment for all the EWMN dances, referred to by Eshkol as dance compositions. The rejection of music, scenery, special lighting, and embellished costumes "a distinctive characteristic of Eshkol's dances" reflects a deliberate resistance to narrative and superficial adornment, a method that she called mono-medial.

The exercises are staged in a space articulated by large gray sculptural volumes. Each dance is presented within a different spatial modulation of the ephemeral architecture, the placement of the volumes defining the movement in space, forming dynamic axes from left to right and front to back.


Exhibition: Sharon Lockhart. Rotation / Notation
Venue: Guggenheim Bilbao
Curator: Manuel Cirauqui
November 4, 2021- February 27, 2022

*1964 in Norwood, USA | Living and working in Los Angeles, USA
Panel Discussion: Sharon Lockhart | Noa Eshkol, Vienna 2012
Sharon Lockhart in conversation with Anthony Huberman, Liverpool Biennial 2014